Recently fled Tumblr and in the process of leaving Deviant Art. I like to write and play around with 3D rendering programs. Not an expert, just an amateurish hack having fun.

Age 44, Male

Somewhere in Washington S

Joined on 8/13/19

Exp Points:
65 / 100
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> 100,000
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3.04 votes
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> 100,000
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Okay....an update...not that it really matters out here to the chaotic world of NG...but I'm starting to like it here. As I said before in my last post...I fled Tumblr and I'm now quietly making plans to leave DA (unfortunately, I'm still paid up for almost two years...so I'll still be dealing with the nightmare known as ECLIPSE.

But enough bitching about things I can't control. Let's talk about the weird shit I've been doing. After years of doing fanfic and fanart material, I finally decided to go "original" and do my own stories set in my own 'verse...especially since I had done so much world building, I realized I could ditch the fandom characters and use what I created in their own setting.

Yeah, it was kind of sad to leave my "War of Angels" project...but it was time to move on. It also didn't help that certain companies who owned the IPs I played around with (*cough*Disney*cough*Warner Brothers*) basically went bat shit insane and pretty much told people like me and other long time fans: "If you don't like our extreme virtue-signaling agenda, then you are a *insert whatever label they come up with here*-ist!"

My response: "Okay, fuck you then...I'm outta' here."

So I stopped all my projects, decided to go original and, as an added insult, decided not to watch or buy any of their media (and I was known for buying entire seasons of certain shows just to binge watch them...and I don't trust streaming services much). So basically, I pretty much dropped Disney (and its other properties) and Warner Brothers/DC/CW off my list.

And suddenly, I had more free time on my hands and, oddly enough, more money in my wallet....I know, weird, right!?!

I was going to just start writing normal text stories...and use my rendering tools just to make up visuals of what my characters look like. Then I saw other people making their own comics and decided "Hey, I wonder if I can try something like that".

After a few bad attempts, I finally worked out the kind of format and style I wanted. And I will admit, I'm an amateur hack and...full disclosure here...I do NOT think of myself as an artist. I'm just a delusional amateurish hack using some older software and hardware and just using what he has to tell his own screwed up stories.

I'm not making money off this stuff and I harbor no delusions that I ever will...it's why I have a day job and I'm pretty much doing this as a hobby to blow off some steam, especially during these crazy times (and running down people in your car because they pissed you off is kind of illegal and I really don't feel like going to prison and being turned into someone's bitch...no thanks, I'll pass on that).

Someone suggested a Patreon account, but I'm not sure. When I finish a couple more issues of my "Interesting Times" series, I'll think about it. And even then...it will only be to upgrade my equipment and software.

In the meantime, I'll work on my lame little story, just have fun...and hope someone is entertained.

So...if I'm allowed, I will post the links to my pdf files of issues one and two.

Here's issue 1: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/37df5f1d0472804b77bbcfcc816c3c96 it's not that great, but hey...I'm going by trial and error here and I'm just setting up the story. It's only 19 pages, but I want to make my issues be at least 20 to 25 pages minimum.

And here's issue 2: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/3c046ea3529b1823d828eba5502337c7 This one is a little bit better and introduces more characters. And it's about 32 pages long (sorry about that).

Anyway...there you go and, like I said, I hope I entertained somebody.


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